Monday, August 16, 2010


Why do people exist in a world where all they think about is how others are trying to make their lives misearable or cause drama? Do you honestly think that people have so much time in the day that they literally sit around and think of ways to screw you over, lie, cheat, steal or whatever else the f you think they do? Get over yourself!

Do you know what the worse part is.....when it is family who is diong this to you! :(

Friday, June 11, 2010

Payin' it forward in Tulare

On many occasion I have been known to add a few tacos or burritos to my order at Taco Bell and give them to the men and women who are frequently seen homeless near our home. Today was a special day.

As I left taco bell in route to the man whose food I had just ordered I was confronted by cool phenomenon. As I approached the man I noticed two other individuals (a man and a woman) who were well dressed already talking with him and seemingly praying with him. It struck me as odd because it appears that more often than not people just tend to pass these individuals by.

I kindly interrupted and said "excuse me sir, you and your puppy appeared hungry earlier when I saw you so here you go. BUT, you have to share with your puppy". His reply "thank you so much mam, and don't you worry, he goes with me everywhere, whatever is mine is his". I then said sorry for interrupting and I took my leave. The looks on the other two people's faces were priceless. They exchanged exclamations to each other, God, and to me saying "God bless you" as I left.

It was comforting to me that God had a plan bigger than mine and knew that the three of us would join forces on this particular day at this particular time to help this man and his puppy for a few short minutes of the day!

Thank you for my lesson Lord! :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

4 days and counting...

Four days. It has been four days since my hubby and I have ceased communication. It does not appear that the stalemate will be ceasing soon but I sure wish it would. We have always had great communication but lately not so much.

I am at such a loss right now. I know for the most part I am writing to cyberspace but sometimes it helps to get it all out. I love him, he is a wonderful man and person....but what is it to be in love.

Met young, fell in love young, married young. Young=no life experience has been had. I have been struggling. Maturity is an issue (for both parties in different ways). I like my independence, and do not necessarily want a solely traditional marriage but I think cooking, cleaning, taking out the trash, trash can take out and pick-up, laundry, dog care (food and excretion), lawns, gardening, weeding, etc. is a little much to be put solely on a woman's shoulders. We are both full time employees so the duties should be shared right?

In the meantime I am left....simply....counting!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Feel the burn!

My hubby and I have been dumping money monthly into a gym for over a year now. Working out, not working out, working out, not working out....the vicious cycle has been anything but consistent. Thus our decision to cancel our membership.

No sooner was this decision made than we were approached by a friend about a personal trainer in our neighborhood who was offering a 3 day a week personal training program with cardio, wt. training and nutrition education. Better yet, the price was right and a pre-paid 6 month commitment (even more reason to stick with it) will enable us to keep motivated.

Monday began week three for us. So far we are doing great. I have realized how weak I am but how much I want to change that. I cannot do a full push-up without using a leg for support, my squats are pathetic, my abs nothing but a storage for fat and my!

BUT....I know I am getting stronger. I feel pumped. I love feeling sore. I love sweating. I love the pain. I look forward to being able to hold a plank for more than a minute. I look forward to loosing inches. I look forward to clothes fitting as they should. I cannot wait to fulfill my one fitness wish....A PULL-UP!!!

I hope to review this post in six months stronger, faster and more fit than I have ever been! Wish me luck readers (all two of you) ;)

Friday, April 30, 2010


Now I am as fond of social networking as the next person (or most of them anyway) but even I have to take a step back and realize how damaging it can be; if not for the person exposing their entire life, but also in instances where people post things they should not.

Case in point. Last night before bed I thought I would take a situation that happened to me at school and turn it into a funny and post it for a few good laughs on facebook. Mission accomplished...I did get the funny comments but I also go some very humbling ones from people who saw not the funny, but the true turmoil behind the post. Guilt set in.

I immediately wanted to kick myself in the fanny. Why did I do that? I am not that kind of person. Why do I continue to disappoint myself when I know I can do better? I sought out humor at the expense of a student who is going through a really hard time. A student whom I truly adore; how could I be so malicious?

Needless to say, the post was deleted by me immediately. I hope I can be forgiven! Can anyone relate!?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Looking Forward

I am not much one for new year's resolutions as most of the time they are only followed for a few short weeks before the hustle and bustle of life takes over. However, this year in particular I have learned a lot about myself and my relationship with my husband. Lessons that were not always pleasant, however lessons that were meaningful and relationship altering.

This year I hope to continue to change my heart. Change the way I react in certain situations. Change the way I communicate. Change the way I love. Change the way I fight. This year is going to be about change for me; but positive, loving changes!

Further, even though December's "give" challenge is over, I want to continue with give. I want to give to someone, or something, everyday! It makes me feel good and I know the recipient's do as well. I challenge everyone to continue to "give" throughout 2010.

Happy New Year everyone!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Give 12/28/09

Well, this may not be a traditional give, but I am "giving" back to literature these last few days and coming weeks. My newest ambition is to go back and re-read, or read for the first time whole heartedly that is all the wonderful literature of my childhood. Often times in grade school wonderful teachers ask us to read great works of art that as an adult we can appreciate whole heartedly but as a ten year old, could care less about. I was one of those said ten year olds.

Instead of read the material, I often crammed and skimmed through just to get by on the current worksheet or pop quiz. As an adult I know that those novels were full of wonderous adventures. Though they may be written at a fourth or fifth grade level, I do not care, I will go back and read all of them.

My list:

1.) Island of the Blue Dolphins (will finish this one tonight) LOVED IT...I cannot believe I did not give it the time when I was asked to read it in 5th grade!
2.) Hatchet (I did read most of this one but I want to refresh my memory)
3.) The Giver
4.) The Witch of Blackbird Pond
5.) Bridge to Tarabithia
6.) The Cage
7.) The entire Chronicles of Narnia series
8.) Animal Farm
9.) The Crucible

If you can think of any I missed, please let me know! Thanks readers!