Sunday, April 12, 2009

Game on!

In true Wightman tradition, the anual Wightman cousin volleyball game commenced earlier this afternoon. To our dumbfounded amazement, the boys handed our asses to us as us girls were left scratching our heads! Actually in all reality what a blast the game was. We screamed and laughed, digged, hit, jumped, fell and crashed our way around the court. It was a blast.

Times like the one above make me so happy to be a Wightman. I love my family. Sure we are loud, we flower stories and we tend to be all up in each other's business but at the end of the day, they have my back, they tell me what's up even when I am not ready to hear the truth and I love them to the end of time!

Happy Easter everyone!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This morning, while enjoying my vacation slumber I was awakened by my Taylor Swift ringtone only to discover a very long weird phone number. Automatically knowing it was my brother due to the early hour and weird digits, I eagerly answered. To my disappointment I could not hear him on the other side. I should preface this with the fact that he has left for his second tour in Iraq and his phone call this morning was significant in the fact that he obviously made it there unscathed.

How frustrating and wonderful technology can be. Technology can connect the ages yet when it backfires, it can be devastating. I hope he can call again soon. Miss you bro, be safe and again like I always tell you, come home...but with a heart beat! (I say the previous because when I tell him to be safe and come home he always says "Oh I'll come one way or another!"......JERK!)

Monday, April 6, 2009

New to blogger

Inspired by a long time friend, I thought I would give this whole Blog thing a try. What is it about the vastness of cyberspace where one can have a proverbial diarrhea of the mouth and feel so much better than having to explain it to someone face to face.

Anyway, just thought I would see what this was all about, give it a try and see where it takes me. I hope I do not disappoint!