Friday, April 30, 2010


Now I am as fond of social networking as the next person (or most of them anyway) but even I have to take a step back and realize how damaging it can be; if not for the person exposing their entire life, but also in instances where people post things they should not.

Case in point. Last night before bed I thought I would take a situation that happened to me at school and turn it into a funny and post it for a few good laughs on facebook. Mission accomplished...I did get the funny comments but I also go some very humbling ones from people who saw not the funny, but the true turmoil behind the post. Guilt set in.

I immediately wanted to kick myself in the fanny. Why did I do that? I am not that kind of person. Why do I continue to disappoint myself when I know I can do better? I sought out humor at the expense of a student who is going through a really hard time. A student whom I truly adore; how could I be so malicious?

Needless to say, the post was deleted by me immediately. I hope I can be forgiven! Can anyone relate!?