Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Feel the burn!

My hubby and I have been dumping money monthly into a gym for over a year now. Working out, not working out, working out, not working out....the vicious cycle has been anything but consistent. Thus our decision to cancel our membership.

No sooner was this decision made than we were approached by a friend about a personal trainer in our neighborhood who was offering a 3 day a week personal training program with cardio, wt. training and nutrition education. Better yet, the price was right and a pre-paid 6 month commitment (even more reason to stick with it) will enable us to keep motivated.

Monday began week three for us. So far we are doing great. I have realized how weak I am but how much I want to change that. I cannot do a full push-up without using a leg for support, my squats are pathetic, my abs nothing but a storage for fat and my arms....wow....!

BUT....I know I am getting stronger. I feel pumped. I love feeling sore. I love sweating. I love the pain. I look forward to being able to hold a plank for more than a minute. I look forward to loosing inches. I look forward to clothes fitting as they should. I cannot wait to fulfill my one fitness wish....A PULL-UP!!!

I hope to review this post in six months stronger, faster and more fit than I have ever been! Wish me luck readers (all two of you) ;)

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