Some of you might be surprised to find out that I am not perfect. I know, I know, big shocker.....pause to let you all recover from your shock
I am a woman of many faults. Some of my largest are in regards to my precious husband. I am critical, easy to anger, demanding, unforgiving (I tend to hold grudges for ohhhh......ten years or so), and probably not the most respectful wife I wish to be. Oh wait, did I say probably, I mean definitely NOT the most respectful wife I can be!
The last couple days my give have been dedicated to my hubby. Giving of myself (wink, wink), giving of respect, giving of unconditional love, giving of patience (sometimes the hardest one). Tonight that patience and respect came into play.
We love to play! Sometimes that play becomes rough and people get hurt. What can I say, he is stronger than me so I feel the need to resort to a no-rules approach; if that includes biting, scratching and clawing, so be it! :)
On tonights rumble, while I was making dinner, the hubster came in to play around trying to get me into some sort of arm hold (UFC style). I responded by locking his head with my arm and giving him a few light (maybe a little harder than that actually) slams in the kidney area. This continued for a few minutes. One one such maneuver where my hubby was attempting to block my move with his knee, it plumeted directly into my nether-regions. Let's just say I am 100% sure I can not longer bear children. I seriously thought he cracked my pubic bone.
Immediately I was on the floor in tears. Of course being the ever so understanding lady I am, I embraced his comforting gestures and told him it was okay........UH NOT! Instead I sat on the kitchen floor crying, ignoring him all the while with him trying to comfort me.
I know what you are thinking.........where is the "give" in this situation?? Well......the normal me would have ignored him the rest of the night, acting in complete ignorance that it truly was an accident. My brain and heart know he did not do it on purpose, I know he feels like shit and I know the last thing on the face of this planet he wants is for me to be in any pain whatsoever.
Instead, I did the not-me thing, which felt fantastic afterward (despite the throbbing stabbing pain that sill hurts as I type this post). After crying for a minute or two (and I admit, ignoring him a little) I got up and walked away, when he followed, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck givng him a hug. He uttered sympathetic words of apology yet again and I responded with "I know you're sorry baby, it just hurt so bad. I know you did not mean to hurt me...".
I have never been so willing to forgive so quickly. I loved it! I have truly been trying to be a more respectful wife to my hubby. I hope this is a positive step in the right direction. I know my "give" to my hubby may not have registered on many people's radar, but I know it registered on his.

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