Well, this may not be a traditional give, but I am "giving" back to literature these last few days and coming weeks. My newest ambition is to go back and re-read, or read for the first time whole heartedly that is all the wonderful literature of my childhood. Often times in grade school wonderful teachers ask us to read great works of art that as an adult we can appreciate whole heartedly but as a ten year old, could care less about. I was one of those said ten year olds.
Instead of read the material, I often crammed and skimmed through just to get by on the current worksheet or pop quiz. As an adult I know that those novels were full of wonderous adventures. Though they may be written at a fourth or fifth grade level, I do not care, I will go back and read all of them.
My list:
1.) Island of the Blue Dolphins (will finish this one tonight) LOVED IT...I cannot believe I did not give it the time when I was asked to read it in 5th grade!
2.) Hatchet (I did read most of this one but I want to refresh my memory)
3.) The Giver
4.) The Witch of Blackbird Pond
5.) Bridge to Tarabithia
6.) The Cage
7.) The entire Chronicles of Narnia series
8.) Animal Farm
9.) The Crucible
If you can think of any I missed, please let me know! Thanks readers!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Love Dare
This is to all you married gals out there. I have discovered a new book The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick. I discovered by complete accident last week at Borders while my hubby and I were digesting our Applebee's 2 for $20.00 dinner fiesta!
This particular was lying on a display shelf amongst other 1/2 priced books. The Love Dare however, was misplaced on this shelf as there were no other copies of it and it was not on sale. Coincidence? I wonder.
I started to peruse the copy and immediately fell in love. The Love Dare is a book dedicated to serving your spouse, expressing nothing but love, kindness, and thoughtfulness, placing his/her needs above your own, etc. The dare is over a forty day period where readers are to complete a dare each day.
The book is full of wonderful uplifting scripture and excellent commentary. I often find myself agreeing with the authors and saying "oooo, I do that...oppps!" However, sometimes it takes a mirror held in front of your face before we can truly learn something. I have never been so uplifted about marriage and have so enjoyed the powerful words I have read.
I have been using The Love Dare as my "give" for the last four days and it has been great. I highly recommend this book to any married couple.
Give 12/13/09
Love is Patient
Today's dare was about being patient with my spouse. The dare: Speak only kindness to my husband. If I did not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all. A simple concept yes, but when one takes stock into all of the negative comments that escape our mouths daily, it is amazingly eye opening when you focus on only communicating in a positive manner. Though my hubby knows I purchased the book I am not so sure that what the book is about or what I was doing on this particular day has fully registered, but I did notice the reciprocating of that patience with my husband to myself. I have tried (and succeeded for the most part) in implementing this strategy for the last four days!
Give 12/14/09
Love is Kind
Today was all about giving. Showing acts of kindness has always been something I have felt I have been particularly good at but not so lucky in receiving in my marriage. The dare: do a random act of kindness for your spouse. On this day I decided that is not what it is about, that he gives in his own way. For today's dare I gave to my husband through an act of kindness by remembering to not say anything negative (from the Love is Patient dare) as well as preparing his lunch for him for the following day; something I need to make a habit as I think it would be something he would truly appreciate.
Normally I would not have expected much notice at this kind act I had completed but today I received a phone call from my honey on the way to work thanking me for making his lunch for him! God works in the most awesome of ways!
Give 12/15/09
Love is not selfish
Yikes! I dread the 'S' word. My mom often used it as a label to torture me as a child. I have never fully recovered from that stigma. I hear the word and I automatically relate it to me. Am I a selfish person? I am sure we all are at times, but on a regular basis I would love to answer with a no. Today, in addition to not saying anything negative my dare was to act out of unselfishness. To do something for my spouse just because. To give to him a gift that says "I was just thinking about you". My give was a note saying exactly the previous with a few of his favorite chocolate candies on the counter before I left for work. To date, I still have not heard about that gift from my hubby; oh well! :(
So far The Love Dare has really shown me a lot about myself in just four short days. I hope and pray that I continue to grow and love my husband as best as I can and maybe get him to read this wondeful book as well!
This particular was lying on a display shelf amongst other 1/2 priced books. The Love Dare however, was misplaced on this shelf as there were no other copies of it and it was not on sale. Coincidence? I wonder.
I started to peruse the copy and immediately fell in love. The Love Dare is a book dedicated to serving your spouse, expressing nothing but love, kindness, and thoughtfulness, placing his/her needs above your own, etc. The dare is over a forty day period where readers are to complete a dare each day.
The book is full of wonderful uplifting scripture and excellent commentary. I often find myself agreeing with the authors and saying "oooo, I do that...oppps!" However, sometimes it takes a mirror held in front of your face before we can truly learn something. I have never been so uplifted about marriage and have so enjoyed the powerful words I have read.
I have been using The Love Dare as my "give" for the last four days and it has been great. I highly recommend this book to any married couple.
Give 12/13/09
Love is Patient
Today's dare was about being patient with my spouse. The dare: Speak only kindness to my husband. If I did not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all. A simple concept yes, but when one takes stock into all of the negative comments that escape our mouths daily, it is amazingly eye opening when you focus on only communicating in a positive manner. Though my hubby knows I purchased the book I am not so sure that what the book is about or what I was doing on this particular day has fully registered, but I did notice the reciprocating of that patience with my husband to myself. I have tried (and succeeded for the most part) in implementing this strategy for the last four days!
Give 12/14/09
Love is Kind
Today was all about giving. Showing acts of kindness has always been something I have felt I have been particularly good at but not so lucky in receiving in my marriage. The dare: do a random act of kindness for your spouse. On this day I decided that is not what it is about, that he gives in his own way. For today's dare I gave to my husband through an act of kindness by remembering to not say anything negative (from the Love is Patient dare) as well as preparing his lunch for him for the following day; something I need to make a habit as I think it would be something he would truly appreciate.
Normally I would not have expected much notice at this kind act I had completed but today I received a phone call from my honey on the way to work thanking me for making his lunch for him! God works in the most awesome of ways!
Give 12/15/09
Love is not selfish
Yikes! I dread the 'S' word. My mom often used it as a label to torture me as a child. I have never fully recovered from that stigma. I hear the word and I automatically relate it to me. Am I a selfish person? I am sure we all are at times, but on a regular basis I would love to answer with a no. Today, in addition to not saying anything negative my dare was to act out of unselfishness. To do something for my spouse just because. To give to him a gift that says "I was just thinking about you". My give was a note saying exactly the previous with a few of his favorite chocolate candies on the counter before I left for work. To date, I still have not heard about that gift from my hubby; oh well! :(
So far The Love Dare has really shown me a lot about myself in just four short days. I hope and pray that I continue to grow and love my husband as best as I can and maybe get him to read this wondeful book as well!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Give 12/11/09
Normally I am to busy to pay that extra dollar to save this or that at the checkout of the local businesses I purchase at; however, due to our December "give" challenge I remembered to think outside of my own life. It may be small and very insignificant but I donated a dollar to Children's Hospital today when we ordered pizza from Me 'N' Eds!! :)
I hope it helps to save the life of a sick child. :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Why not, thanks for the idea Sar!
Dear Santa,
I know that times are tight right now. I know that Cacy and I have decided to forgo giving each other gifts this year but I thought what the heck, why not put my list out there anyway! I think I have been a fairly decent individual this year, learning to be a better wife everyday and striving to succeed in all that I do; I hope that is at least enough to get me off the naughty list!
My heart's desires this year:
1.) New Ariat pro baby riding boots, mine are getting pretty worn out
2.) Irrigation boots, nothing fancy, but after this week I realize how valuable those ugly rubber boots can be
3.) The "Love and Respect" book
4.) The "Total Money Makeover" book
5.) VS gift card so I can get some new panties to replace the ones the furkids KEEP CHEWING UP!!!
6.) VS Love Spell body spray
7.) VS Amber Romance body spray
8.) Boot Barn gift card
9.) Circle N gift card to get goodies for my horsey's
10.) I have always wanted my very own pair of Ugg boots...the real ones. I usually just settle for the $20.00 Big 5 brand! :) Size 9 (women's)
11.) Comfy sherpa slippers!
12.) I hope that the many displaced and abused animals of this world get adopted to find forever homes
Well Santa, maybe this list can find its way to my hubby as we have decided to at least do stockings.........can Uggs fit into stockings? HAHAHA, jk, there is a strict monetary limit! Merry Christmas Santa, I will make sure to leave out milk, cookies and carrots for you on Christmas Eve!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Give 12/9/09
One of my new students (just recently transferred from inner city LA) in my Biology class has only been with me for approximately two weeks (two weeks late into the new trimester). Having transferred from inner city LA, and associated with some not so upstanding citizens in that region, my student has a bit of a reputation. Looking for a clean start, he has began his education at Woodlake Highs School.
Since he has entered my class he has done nothing but improve daily. He works hard, turns in his homework, participates in class, completes assignments with accuracy and in a timely fashion; essentially, he should be an inspiration to my other students. Today, as I was sitting in my office afters school this student infiltrated my mind.
Knowing his family speaks Spanish I wrote a quick memo in English praising their son and his efforts in my class over the last few weeks. After I wrote the note I utilized an online translation database and had my English version translated into a Spanish version. After having one of our office receptionists give my note a once over to make sure all grammar was correct, I plopped that note into the outgoing mail. It was just as exciting as putting a letter to Santa in the mailbox bound for the North Pole. I was delirious with excitement at the anticipation of his parents receiving such positive news.
I am so excited for my student's parents. All to often parents receive negative information about their student from the school they are attending; I wanted their next correspondence to be a good one! I hope today's "give" lands itself right, smack dab, on the refrigerator!
Since he has entered my class he has done nothing but improve daily. He works hard, turns in his homework, participates in class, completes assignments with accuracy and in a timely fashion; essentially, he should be an inspiration to my other students. Today, as I was sitting in my office afters school this student infiltrated my mind.
Knowing his family speaks Spanish I wrote a quick memo in English praising their son and his efforts in my class over the last few weeks. After I wrote the note I utilized an online translation database and had my English version translated into a Spanish version. After having one of our office receptionists give my note a once over to make sure all grammar was correct, I plopped that note into the outgoing mail. It was just as exciting as putting a letter to Santa in the mailbox bound for the North Pole. I was delirious with excitement at the anticipation of his parents receiving such positive news.
I am so excited for my student's parents. All to often parents receive negative information about their student from the school they are attending; I wanted their next correspondence to be a good one! I hope today's "give" lands itself right, smack dab, on the refrigerator!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Give 12/8/09

Some of you might be surprised to find out that I am not perfect. I know, I know, big shocker.....pause to let you all recover from your shock
I am a woman of many faults. Some of my largest are in regards to my precious husband. I am critical, easy to anger, demanding, unforgiving (I tend to hold grudges for ohhhh......ten years or so), and probably not the most respectful wife I wish to be. Oh wait, did I say probably, I mean definitely NOT the most respectful wife I can be!
The last couple days my give have been dedicated to my hubby. Giving of myself (wink, wink), giving of respect, giving of unconditional love, giving of patience (sometimes the hardest one). Tonight that patience and respect came into play.
We love to play! Sometimes that play becomes rough and people get hurt. What can I say, he is stronger than me so I feel the need to resort to a no-rules approach; if that includes biting, scratching and clawing, so be it! :)
On tonights rumble, while I was making dinner, the hubster came in to play around trying to get me into some sort of arm hold (UFC style). I responded by locking his head with my arm and giving him a few light (maybe a little harder than that actually) slams in the kidney area. This continued for a few minutes. One one such maneuver where my hubby was attempting to block my move with his knee, it plumeted directly into my nether-regions. Let's just say I am 100% sure I can not longer bear children. I seriously thought he cracked my pubic bone.
Immediately I was on the floor in tears. Of course being the ever so understanding lady I am, I embraced his comforting gestures and told him it was okay........UH NOT! Instead I sat on the kitchen floor crying, ignoring him all the while with him trying to comfort me.
I know what you are thinking.........where is the "give" in this situation?? Well......the normal me would have ignored him the rest of the night, acting in complete ignorance that it truly was an accident. My brain and heart know he did not do it on purpose, I know he feels like shit and I know the last thing on the face of this planet he wants is for me to be in any pain whatsoever.
Instead, I did the not-me thing, which felt fantastic afterward (despite the throbbing stabbing pain that sill hurts as I type this post). After crying for a minute or two (and I admit, ignoring him a little) I got up and walked away, when he followed, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck givng him a hug. He uttered sympathetic words of apology yet again and I responded with "I know you're sorry baby, it just hurt so bad. I know you did not mean to hurt me...".
I have never been so willing to forgive so quickly. I loved it! I have truly been trying to be a more respectful wife to my hubby. I hope this is a positive step in the right direction. I know my "give" to my hubby may not have registered on many people's radar, but I know it registered on his.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Give 12/5/09
Last night I went out with my girlies for some serious dancing (well, as serious as a white girl can be anyway). There were some "interesting" people there (as expected when hanging out in a bar), but for the most part, there were some pretty normal homo Sapiens present. One lady who was particularly "needy" was dancing and loving up on anything with legs....yes, you read correctly, gender had no bearing on her prospects.
She was alone as far as I could tell and extremely drunk. During the course of the evening I kept noticing her leaving possessions around, easily taken by the wrong individual. At one point she dropped her cell phone which proceeded to be kicked across the dance floor by someone. Noticing this I got up to retrieve it. I returned her phone to the DJ as I was not going to "cut in" on whatever it was she thought she was doing with the gentlemen caller at her side.
I felt good about my "give" as in this day and age someone would have jumped at the thought of a lost cell phone. Just abandon the sim card for yours and wa-la! Later, after she noticed her phone missing, she frantically searched. The DJ returned her phone to her, pointed me out in the crowd and I was all but attacked by this woman who was very grateful at my act. Humbled as I am, I meekly said your welcome and continued on with my evening....however in her eyes, that simple act of doing the right thing, truly made her happy. For me doing the right thing comes easily, for her, she must not have that experience often. I am glad I was able to help!
She was alone as far as I could tell and extremely drunk. During the course of the evening I kept noticing her leaving possessions around, easily taken by the wrong individual. At one point she dropped her cell phone which proceeded to be kicked across the dance floor by someone. Noticing this I got up to retrieve it. I returned her phone to the DJ as I was not going to "cut in" on whatever it was she thought she was doing with the gentlemen caller at her side.
I felt good about my "give" as in this day and age someone would have jumped at the thought of a lost cell phone. Just abandon the sim card for yours and wa-la! Later, after she noticed her phone missing, she frantically searched. The DJ returned her phone to her, pointed me out in the crowd and I was all but attacked by this woman who was very grateful at my act. Humbled as I am, I meekly said your welcome and continued on with my evening....however in her eyes, that simple act of doing the right thing, truly made her happy. For me doing the right thing comes easily, for her, she must not have that experience often. I am glad I was able to help!
Inspired by Sarah!
Give: 12/4/09
As a teacher I find myself "giving" nearly everyday. Not because I "have" to, but because my students come from low socioeconomic status' and I think the smallest compliment is worth more to them than anything. Having said that, my give for Friday was as follows:
One of my freshmen Christian is in his 2nd go-around in my Biology A class. Still to immature for his own good, he is noticeably trying harder this trimester and I can see the elation in his eyes when he can answer a question in class with a raised hand (even though the content is a repeat for him, I am still very proud). Friday we had a chapter test; he bombed it. Instead of just giving up on him, I "gave" to him. I found him at lunch, told him his score and let him come in to "fix" the questions he got wrong (essentially giving him a second chance). He was very grateful. I re-graded his test on the spot and felt so good at giving him a 78% instead of the 40% he received originally. He was so grateful and left with a big smile on his face due to his accomplishment!
Give # 1-check! ;)
As a teacher I find myself "giving" nearly everyday. Not because I "have" to, but because my students come from low socioeconomic status' and I think the smallest compliment is worth more to them than anything. Having said that, my give for Friday was as follows:
One of my freshmen Christian is in his 2nd go-around in my Biology A class. Still to immature for his own good, he is noticeably trying harder this trimester and I can see the elation in his eyes when he can answer a question in class with a raised hand (even though the content is a repeat for him, I am still very proud). Friday we had a chapter test; he bombed it. Instead of just giving up on him, I "gave" to him. I found him at lunch, told him his score and let him come in to "fix" the questions he got wrong (essentially giving him a second chance). He was very grateful. I re-graded his test on the spot and felt so good at giving him a 78% instead of the 40% he received originally. He was so grateful and left with a big smile on his face due to his accomplishment!
Give # 1-check! ;)
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